Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Draper Temple Open House... Take 2

(Take 1 - only Brittany got to go, because Mom thought it was only for 8 yrs and older--not so!) Monday we took our little family and Grandma and Grandpa to the Temple. It was wonderful, for LOTS of reasons. Of course it was a blizzard when we arrived, but thanks to Pops (and his handicap sticker), we got to park right by the entrance. Score! Pops even got his very own escort service, thanks to Brent and a nifty church provided wheelchair. Score again! Being that we had a wheel chair, there was no stairs for us, only fancy elevator service. Double Score!
Brittany, Paige and Caroline LOVED it. Brent and I were beyond thrilled to have a little family all together in the temple. All 3 of them commented that they wanted to get married there--pure joy to a mother's ears! (pressure's on to do my part to help get them there) Brittany enjoyed explaining things to her sisters-since she is now an open house pro, Paige NEVER stopped smiling and tried in every way to take it all in, and Caroline loved looking at all the different pictures of Jesus and finding the animals on the walls.
Brent took our family together to the 2 way mirrors to see our reflections. Caroline said, "Our family goes forever and ever!" Eternal score for us!


Anonymous said...

very, very neat!! now i'm even more excited to go with our little family! :)

Tillia said...

we are going in 2 weeks and can't wait!

Becky Leland said...

big big blessing!!!

Graciesmom said...

What a wonderful experience. We are hoping to take Gracie on Friday.

Stacie Cooper said...

how awesome, I wish close to a temple open house cause I would love to take the kids and see there faces. they're always asking about the temple and how they want to go in,