Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fingers or thumb? that is the question

From about 5 months old, Caroline has LOVED her silky and her fingers! Never one without the other. However, a few weeks ago Caroline fingers got smashed in a friends front door. Bruised, bloody, a big disgusting mess, and of course no one knows what happened, so we can blaming the 'wind' for the mishap. Needless to say, sucking her fingers was not an option. The first night after the accident involved 2 hours of crying of "my fingers, it's awie to suck my fingers"--'yeah, yeah, believe us we wish you could suck them too!' was our response. Brent and I were some what excited that the finger sucking habit may be broken. Much to our dismay, during the night Caroline had found her THUMB!!! Now she has options! Great, we may never get rid of the habit of silkies, fingers and now thumb, but that is not necessarily a bad thing because they bring a lot of peace and comfort to Caroline and others around her as well.


Sam and Fam said...

Hey, some of us that were thumb suckers,... we think she'll out grow it

behka said...

I happen to love her silky too!